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The Supreme Court ruling earlier this year legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide has continued to raise questions about how the decision will affect religious groups – especially those that remain opposed to allowing gay and lesbian couples to wed. The court’s ruling makes clear that clergy

Opponents of gay marriage often cite Scripture. But what the Bible teaches about love argues for the other side.

The Conservative Party of New York State is a political party in the United States founded in 1962 and active in the State of New York.Since 2010, the Party has held “Row C” on New York ballots—the third-place ballot position, directly below the Democratic and Republican Parties—because it received the third-highest number of votes of any

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In Pew Research Center polling in 2001, Americans opposed same-sex marriage by a margin of 57% to 35%. Since then, support for same-sex marriage has steadily

As the Supreme Court prepares to take up same-sex marriage next week, conservative scholars have produced a last-ditch argument to keep the scourge of homosexual unions from spreading across the land: Gay marriage kills. They’re saying that legalizing same-sex marriage will cause 900,000 abortions

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Updated, May 14, 7:30 p.m. Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton signed a bill Tuesday that legalizes gay marriage, making the state the 12th to do so.

Aug 19, 2010 · The conservative lawyer who helped put George W. Bush in the White House is working to legalize gay marriage. Is his wife responsible?

Home – Australian Marriage | Think of the . “Same-sex marriage forces us to choose between giving priority to ren’s rights or to homosexual adults’ claims.”

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Why Gay Rights Are Civil Rights—and Simply Right Conservatives shouldn’t dismiss comparisons between the discrimination homosexuals have faced and Jim Crow.

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Twenty years ago, new president Bill Clinton stepped on a political landmine when he tried to fulfill a campaign promise to permit gay soldiers to serve openly. Same-sex marriage barely registered as