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Around 300 ren registered at a failing Oldham GP surgery were found to have missed vaccinations, the health watch has said. Oldham Medical Services, which was without a manager for around two months, has been put into special measures after being deemed ‘inadequate’ by the Care Quality

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All the recent news surrounding Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s soda ban has left a lot of people talking about an infringement of personal rights. But compared to Singapore’s notorious limitations, our soda law is small potatoes. Singapore law is full of odd restrictions on personal acts, some of which

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Most men have a bisexual potential that is repressed by homophobic culture. 18 out of 20 Roman emperors had male lovers. You’re not straight either.

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This is yet another adaptation of the infamous de facto standard 500 question purity test and the newer 200 and 1000 questions tests. This site was created mainly as an exercise in web development and is not much different than other versions on the web, except that those other sites, for the most part, suck, or are collecting demographic

For 30 years it has been used to test the fitness of officers who police riots and other outbreaks of serious public disorder. The so-called ‘shield run’ involves officers covering a distance of 500 metres in less than two minutes, 45 seconds while wearing full riot gear and carrying a shield. But

‘I’ve let my wife and ren down’: Star jockey Frankie Dettori apologises to his family after receiving a six month ban for failing drugs test

Peter Ridd: Coral Reefs recover — “the scientists make hay when it dies in a spectacular way but they are quiet when it recovers.” On symbionts — “There is a large variety of symbionts and some allow coral to grow faster but are more sensitive to bleaching.” All the corals on the Great

The political activity of gay and lesbian groups in Colorado had succeeded on several fronts in the 1970s and ’80s. Numerous municipalities passed ordinances banning discrimination in jobs and housing on the basis of race, gender, or sexual orientation, and the state legislature had repealed its

May 2018 Pain in the Nation The Drug, Alcohol and Suicide Epidemics and the Need for a National Resilience Strategy Pain in the Nation was supported by Well Being Trust and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

A state takeover of JCPS and its ‘failing colleges’ would show Matt Bevin is a hypocrite With a decision whether to take over Jefferson County Public colleges looming, we’re left to ask if Republicans are who we thought they were Check out this story on https://www.courier-journal