for the last 6 weeks,I have been experiencing severe left side pain in the upper chest with shortness of breathe,and pain radiating into my neck and jaw and left arm,it gets so bad I black out went to the ER and they ran test and gave me toradol and phenegran,and told me go home and it will subside,fact is it has not and I don’t know what

Left side of human body contains different types of body part including chest, abdomen, neck.Different types of pain in left side, causes and treatment

Why does my dental bridge feel loose? I have a bridge on the upper left side of my mouth, and over the past few weeks it’s just felt “loose”. When I go to touch it and check it with my fingers everything seems fine, but when I do things like eat it just f

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Gary January 12, 2013 at 4:29 pm. Hi, I’m in the army. I realized that I had two cystic growths in my throat when I was in Afghanistan last year. At first I felt two lumps at the side of my throat and didn’t think of it as anything.

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I also have the pain under left breast feels like a pinching pain I do have costrocondrtis also had every test done on my heart and my heart is fine also had ultrasounds done to rule out other things everything is normal it’s scary as heck but I also have extreme panic and anxiety disorder also have bad acid reflux and ulcers also have

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Hey there, so ihave this really bad pain on my left side and left side Only right under my rib cage and it hurts to lay on my left side and hurts worse to lay on my right side.

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Jun 01, 2015 · About a week ago I woke to a pain on my left side under the ribs, I thought I’d slept awkwardly but the pain didn’t go as it usually would. The pain is like a stitch/pulled muscle/gas sort of pain but with sharp stabbing pains also.

Aug 23, 2008 · I suffered from ulcers on my tonsil what is the perfect and rapid treatment for such problem : Ghada Farid 26 January 18: Less silva taking Forkan100 and darolac.

The right side of my throats hurts and I can’t exactly describe where it is. I’m pretty sure it isn’t in my actuall throat but I could be wrong.

Mid back pain left side women – Having upper back pain left side shoulder back shoulder blade and mid back pain is 2-10 to 4-10 somtimes pain …

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