Brain Fuck 6

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comment card standard system card i these cards provided in this file are the implementation of the famous “hello world” program in sycpol.

B or b (pronounced / b iː / BEE) is the second letter of the ISO basic Latin alphabet.It represents the voiced bilabial stop in many languages, including English. In some other languages, it is used to represent other bilabial consonants

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Brain Fuck 69

Brainfuck (dt: „Gehirnfick“) ist eine esoterische Programmiersprache, die der Schweizer Urban Müller im Jahre 1993 entwarf.Die Sprache …

Brainfuck è un linguaggio di programmazione esoterico per computer, creato da Urban Müller intorno al 1993.Il linguaggio viene in taluni casi denominato Brainf*ck, Brainf*** o anche soltanto BF per evitare di offendere la sensibilità altrui.

compile brainf*** online Language:. Editor:. Layout:

Brainfuck(ブレインファック)は難解プログラミング言語のひとつ [要出典] 。 なお名称に卑語が含まれるため、Brainf*ckなどと表記されることがある。

Brainfuck est un langage de programmation exotique, inventé par Urban Müller en 1993.Il tire son nom de l’union de deux mots anglais, brain (« cerveau ») et fuck (« niquer »), et joue sur les mots, puisque ce langage est volontairement simpliste, et parce que l’expression Brain Fuck évoque, en argot, ce qui met le cerveau dans un état

Brainfuck is een esoterische programmeertaal die rond 1993 door Urban Müller is gemaakt. De taal wordt soms brainf*ck, brainf***, of BF genoemd als men beleefd wil zijn.

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Brainfuck. An Eight-Instruction Turing-Complete Programming Language. Brainfuck is the ungodly creation of Urban Müller, whose goal was apparently to create a Turing-complete language for which he could write the smallest compiler ever, …

Brainfuck is an esoteric programming language created in 1993 by Urban Müller, and notable for its extreme minimalism.. The language consists of only eight simple commands and an instruction pointer.

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