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Affective flattening is the reduction in the range and intensity of emotional expression, including facial expression, voice tone, eye contact, and body language.

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Culture is a huge factor in determining whether we look someone in the eye or the kisser to interpret facial expressions, according to a new study. For instance, in Japan, people tend to look to the eyes for emotional cues, whereas Americans tend to look to the mouth, says researcher Masaki Yuki, a

The facial feedback hypothesis states that facial movement can influence emotional experience. For example, an individual who is forced to smile during a social event will actually come to find the event more of an enjoyable experience.

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Jun 16, 2011 · Are you prepared for the unintended physical, emotional and cultural side effects?

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It was the “American Idol” alum’s first public appearance since getting 40 stitches in her face after taking a nasty tumble in November.

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Facial expressions are a universal language of emotion. How well do you read other people?

Check out FACELAND, a new interactive sotware program that teaches about emotions and understanding facial expressions.

A facial expression is one or more motions or positions of the muscles beneath the skin of the face. According to one set of controversial [citation needed] theories, these movements convey the emotional state of an individual to observers.

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Basic research leads to training programs that improve people’s ability to detect emotions.

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