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This graph shows the percentage of the United States’ population who have completed four years of college or more from 1940 to 2017, by gender. In 2017, around 34.6 percent of women graduated college or obtained a higher educational degree.

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“You have to go to college to get a good job.” Looking for a fun job that pays well? Scared that the cause of unemployment may be growing? Sign for free at www.Job.com and see

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How to land a job in one of the highest-paying industries without a college degree

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Apr 15, 2013 · A new salary survey from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) has some good news for 2013 college graduates. The average starting salary for 2013 grads earning bachelor’s degrees has risen to $45,000, up 5.3% from the average starting salary for the class of 2012.

Jun 08, 2017 · Jobs requiring only a high-college education typically pay $35,000 less per year than those requiring a bachelor’s degree. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t high-paying jobs out there for

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Chris Boswell—Alamy By Kiran Dhillon / FindTheBest September 11, 2014 Conventional wisdom holds that earning a bachelor’s degree is the best path to a stable job that provides a livable income, but not every high-paying job requires a four-year college education. In fact, 345 out of the 787

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Online University Degree Search. U.S. University Directory | State Universities and College Rankings

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Excel your career by earning your Degree, Diploma or Certification. Flexible schedules, starting every 5 weeks to fit your busy life. Learn more today.

Liberal arts degree jobs are more available in a diverse range of fields than ever before. Which are the highest paying? We’ve listed the top ten.

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Sep 20, 2013 · First, here is a table of the average starting salaries for the top-paying majors for the class of 2013. If a liberal arts college like Oberlin or Wesleyan, doesn’t have a major with the specific title, NACE uses a government measure called the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP), says NACE’s employment information …