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The idea behind the last command set is to define a new command (\charmu) which locally changes math font from CMR to Charter and types “mu”.With the \DeclareMathVersion {} command (see p. 13 in LaTeX 2e font selection) a new math font version mathchartertext is defined, \SetSymbolFont {} customizes the …

The right quote is also used for apostrophe in LaTeX without trouble. Dots and Dashes. A sequence of three dots is known as an ellipsis, which is …

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Jonathon Meyers came home from the unemployment office. He had once again been unable to secure a job. He was so tired he neglected to notice the cardboard box on the counter.

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Here are research articles on the history and meaning of latex allergy, scourge of health care workers in the 1990’s. Study latex rubber production and manufacturing, and how these influence latex allergy.

Painting a Fly Baby with Latex House Paint. By Drew Fidoe. Drew’s Planned Paint Scheme [RJW note: Drew has been posting his progress on the Fly Baby mailing list, and has agreed to allow me to repost his material here.

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Jolene wanted to be an actress but a year after moving to LA she had only done one commercial even though she was a true beauty with large firm breasts a thin tan body and a face with large almond shaped green eyes and full lips that could melt the hardest heart, she had just not been getting the roles she had been auditioning for.

Getting the page numbering right in LaTeX documents may not seem like a big deal, but it’s frustrating when it’s all wrong. Here’s a brief summary on how to get it sorted.

A new Fetish Club run by a Mad Doctor

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LaTeX editors are a great way to separate your document formatting from content creation. Here are 8 of the best LaTeX editors that you will ever need.

Latex Allergy – an easy to understand guide covering causes, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment and prevention plus additional in depth medical information.