Name That Penis 36

Name That Penis 5

Roger is a masculine given name and a surname.The given name is derived from the Old French personal names Roger and Rogier.These names are of Germanic origin, derived from the elements hrōd (“fame”, “renown”) and gār, gēr (“spear”, “lance”).

The glans penis is the sensitive bulbous structure at the distal end of the human penis.The glans is anatomically homologous to the clitoral glans of the human female.

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Name That Penis 51

Name That Penis 49

All About The Penis – information for men and women on what it’s like to own a penis and being a man!

The history of dork is a short one. It’s been around only since the 1950s or 60s, originally as a slang term for “penis.” Most likely dork was just an alternative form of dick, a word that started out as a nickname for Richard—a name meaning “fellow”—but which by the late 1800s, had taken on the additional meaning of “penis

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(0)-(.).jpg 04-Mar-2013 11:45 239K (car(car)).jpg 18-Sep-2008 21:42 61K ))<>((.gif 02-Oct-2010 12:39 2.0M -dick-cheney.jpg 12-Sep-2008 08:22 322K 00-04-08.jpg 15-Oct-2008 07:16 106K 002_isportil.jpg 27-Jun-2008 07:02 58K 040521-Venusz-fedesL.jpg 24-Jan-2012 19:00 92K 1-11.jpg 31-Aug-2011 08:40 334K 1-19.jpg 30-Aug-2011 23:18 714K …

Name That Penis 75

Meet up with men and exchange small and large dick pics, large cock pictures, ad penis pictures of all sizes and shapes.

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MAY 20–A 14-year-old New Hampshire man was tattooed against his will by a group of fellow high college students who told the victim that they would no longer pick on him if he agreed to the inking. According to an arrest warrant affidavit, on May 10 the teenager was enticed to a Concord home, where

Name That Penis 107

Back to the Intactivism index page. PENILE ANATOMY (Highlighted entry-words link to a single picture.). acroposthion (Gk akro = peak, posthe = foreskin) “The visually defining, tapered, fleshy, nipple-like portion of the foreskin that advances beyond the terminus [tip] of the underlying glans penis.

Name That Penis is a game where you must identify penises. How well do you think you can do?

Problems with the penis and other personal issues . Unfortunately there are no shortage of things that can go wrong with the penis, and they can be fairly distressing.