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When you’re pregnant with your third , sex isn’t usually high on the priority list. Sleep and chocolate are. But one strange day when I was about 13 weeks pregnant, I was actually looking forward to some romance on a Friday night. Earlier in the day, my highlight had been devouring pita

No one, I repeat, no one should think it’s okay for a woman to have sex against her will. Not even with a spouse.

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We’re urging women to make their health—all aspects of their health—a priority.This includes sexual health. According to a recent survey, not only are 80 percent of women putting their health last —after their ren, spouses and even pets—but 62 percent of women admitted to not being satisfied with their sex lives.

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DHEA what it is and what it helps with. Information about HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy), and alternative health remedies for depression, SADS, menopause and PMS

Are you in a sex slump? The 20 reasons you’re just not in the mood (and how to get your mojo back) Tracey says its not uncommon for people to go off sex occasionally

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Women, Hormones, Mood and Sex Faina Novosolov, M.D. Women’s Mood and Hormone Clinic UCSF/ LPPI 415-771-7711 www.fainamd.com

Why Women Lose Interest in Sex. Loss of sexual desire is women’s biggest sexual problem, and it’s not all in their heads.

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Jan 21, 2011 · Nancy Friday, many years ago, published two books about sexual fantasies, one of men and one of women. There was a whole chapter on women’s fantasies about sex with s – mainly s, and not a single example for women.

Sep 21, 2013 · A lot of teens think that all guys are ready to jump into bed to get down and dirty at any moment of any day – so when a guy isn’t in the mood for sex, some teens take it really personally.

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Marital (or spousal ) is the act of sexual intercourse with one’s spouse without the spouse’s consent.It is a form of domestic and sexual .Although, historically, sexual intercourse within marriage was regarded as a right of spouses, engaging in the act without the spouse’s consent is now widely recognized by law and