A facial expression is one or more motions or positions of the muscles beneath the skin of the face. According to one set of controversial [citation needed] theories, these movements convey the emotional state of an individual to observers.

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Facial Expression Database – the Japanese Female Facial Expression Database

Manual face coding is extremely time consuming. Save time and resources by automatically extracting action units, and spend your time analyzing data rather then collecting it. Have a big library of existing recordings? Batch upload all videos to iMotions and quickly extract all facial expression

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Paul Ekman is most noted in this field for conducting research involving facial expressions of emotions. His work provided data to back up Darwin’s ideas about universality of facial expressions, even across cultures.

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Emotion: Emotion is a complex experience of consciousness, sensation, and behavior reflecting the personal significance of a thing, event, or state of affairs.

13 Observer-Based Measurement of Facial Expression With the Facial Action Coding System Jeffrey F. Cohn Zara Ambadar Paul Ekman 203 Facial expression has been a focus of emotion research for over

Build smarter applications with the Emotion API from Microsoft Azure. Recognize facial emotions in images based on universal facial expressions.

Live visualize, aggregate & export raw data . Live visualize all emotion and facial channels synchronized with the stimuli on a timeline. Segment and aggregate across participants and export all raw data to import it into any statistical program for …

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Book Chapters. 1) Matsumoto, D. (in press). The role of emotion in escalating violent non-state actors to hostility. In A. Speckhard, L. Kuznar, T. Rieger, and L. Fernstermacher (eds.), Protecting the homeland from international and domestic terrorism threats: Current multi-disciplinary perspectives on root causes, the role of ideology, …

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David Matsumoto, is Professor of Psychology at San Francisco State University and Director of Humintell, LLC. He has studied culture, nonverbal behavior, and emotion for over 30 years and has published over 120 journal articles in peer-reviewed, scientific journals. His books include Culture and

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